Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Catching Up

Nid - grats to cae! he got some mbody thing bsts cant wear! lol Out of all the Nid's Ive been I've never seen Ebody drop... If it drops next time and im not there. I will seriously get pissed at SE for making these things so hard to get.

Ancient Gooblue - 1 bst. I've probably done this more than a million times... 1/10000 drops so far. Kinda sad but, its actually a free 20k everytime with some additional crappy drops and an 1% chance of getting the GK.
My AG setup is a little different from the usual as misscharm is one of the main things in this fight that can actually kick your ass and not the NM.
There are ways around it though, such as: Stoneskin and blink at all times, if misscharm run across land and water to lose agro, face the NM back first and attack while running at an angle instead of straight foward to actually have the NM take a longer path to reach you. (extra seconds are wonderful to have here)
Hakuraku - 3Bst party and 1 rdm for support. O-Hat NM - Took about 2 hours each but pretty easy and safe. No deaths.
Xolotl - Drops always suck when I'm there. Dont ask me why but they just do. 0/2 on everything, not even the stupid hat.


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