The Yugi & Aless Adventure!
Hydra - Yugi and I were just trolling around and saw hydra there just minding its own business and bham! 5 seconds later, hydra was being smacked by 2 carries! I gotta say they did pretty well... got it down to 98%. Later on Yugi and I joined the fight as we couldnt call any more pets. What came after? You can guess lol
PS: Added another merit into Killer Effects!!! Level 4!!! I have been seeing a difference, some of you may think is pointless but it has saved me a couple of times soloing NMs. Specially with Beast Trousers+1, Tatami Shield, and Tamer's Ring equiped at the same time.
PS: Added another merit into Killer Effects!!! Level 4!!! I have been seeing a difference, some of you may think is pointless but it has saved me a couple of times soloing NMs. Specially with Beast Trousers+1, Tatami Shield, and Tamer's Ring equiped at the same time.