Monday, June 9, 2008


Hi all!
Is this an update i see? Yes it is! First of all, I got a new computer! and a 22' screen! Its so nice! Here see it!

Anyway, back to FF... I haven't made any updates cause of time mostly. However, since I have a 3 hour update from SE, I might aswell. Let's find some pictures I could talk about...

well... no pics. lol got a new comp and my original folder was on my old machine :/ Lazy to do that now lol So, farwell! till next time :)

Enn's Massive Post lol

"Busy, busy, busy! I keep bugging others to update their blogs but look at me being a slacker! Anyway, we have a lot to get through so settle in for a fun read...As I told you last time, I decided to level SAM to 75. Well that died out with this announcement. Now I have WAY too many merits to work on so I have decided to put SAM on hold for the time being. Its sitting at 49 right now so I'll use exp scrolls to get it to 50 and a buffer and by then, I should have my Soboro to play with. Aless surprised me after a few days away with the pop item for Soboro for which I am very thankful. I hear it can be a pain to get. Thanks Al! ^__^ Here's a shot of the last party I was in on SAM before I decided to put it on hold.Another reason to put SAM on hold was because my time playing on BST has drastically dropped. I hadn't been out farming for some time and so after the decision was made, Al and I got together and went on one of our farming sessions. AG was hanging out and died soon thereafter then we hit up Onzozo to check things out there. As I went to kill the PH for LoO, Al happened upon Ose and quickly set a pet on him. Apparently another group was hunting him that we didn't see and they immediately started killing our pets in the vain hope that we would wipe. Silly JPs. Onzozo has like a bajillion pets for us to use. When they saw we could use manta's as well while we waited for Torama's to repop, they tried to start clearing that room too. By the time we killed Ose, they had half of the zone linked to them........and we totally would have given them the Assault jerkin if it dropped (which it didn't by the way) if they had just been good about it since neither of us needed/wanted it. I really dislike that style of play against BSTs. Killing their pets to hopefully kill them. That needs to be considered MPK and for a GM to step in but I digress because we didn't even come close to dying.On the lighter side of Vana'diel life, here are my numbers as of the last census or so.I also did as every single other soul in the world did and got my Bonanza marbles for the big lottery to come. I'm not really expecting much but if I win, I'll be stoked. I didn't make an assload more mules to make sure I win. Just myself and my 2 mules. Rest assured, I'll be posting the winnings or lack thereof after the lottery announcement.Moved another step closer to my Perdu Voulge just recently too. Only 2 more rank ups to go. I certainly have the IS for it lol.And I also got my new Boxer's mantle too. Another goal to delete from the list. I'll be using this on BST solo and NM farming where I don't need Forager's attack or STR so much.I experienced something I don't ever recall experiencing before in my life. Usually when I put something away, its away for good. Necessity demanded that I bring my RDM out of retirement recently for my Nyzul group after Ny's departure from the game. To begin with I wasn't too stoked about it but this is how much I want Askar Body and Head so I begrudgingly did so. Surprisingly though, I have really started to enjoy it again. I certainly do not want to be an LS RDM that has to take it to events etc which demand top end gear that I don't want to bother with but for personal things like Nyzul, Ix'MNK kills, Avatar kills etc, I actually really having fun with it. I am actually considering taking it and meripoing on it!So I decided I would finish the quest for the Promise badge so thatIi wasn't in my Grandoise chain full time (lol) and add a chunk of potency to my enfeebles. I really do like seeing a mob get locked down by my capped Slow II and a potent Paralyze. +50MND ftw!I was also chuffed (that means stoked/happy in NA speak >.>) to see this happen in Nyzul lol...Barring the odd death in Nyzul, we probably rope in a good 2k in exp each 4 run session. It's really quite nice to have exp coming in from this activity especially for someone like me who likes to keep his exp capped.Speaking of Nyzul, the group has finally rebounded from the loss of Nyena and Tulaq to RL. Roped in some great players from our new LS and the jobs we have now are what I think is going to be a fantastic group all the way to 100 and beyond.This passed week was just fuel to my fire on how good this group is going to be. Dylorian was called in to work at the last minute and after checking with Bubbo to see if she wanted to come help us out for the night and her telling me she only had 2 tags, I decided we'd climb from 40-50 on my disc as a 5some and have Bub join us for the boss run to 60. So in we go as 5 and we kicked ass! Got to 50 without too much trouble. The hardest part was prolly 40-45 where we got 3 "all" floors and 2 sets of lamps (order -> same time). The first "all" floor had 2 stupid NMs. Roc benedictioned on us and then the last mob turned out to be Energetic Eruca which took no damage from anyone except Aless' joytoy. Apparently he's immune to slashing. Too bad for our Axe WARs and GKT SAM. So I had to grav/dot/nuke him down. Did pretty well if I do say so myself. Funny thing was we meet Mr Eruca again 2 floors later. LOLAnyway we got through that and we were brimming with confidence as Bubbo joined us for the run to 60. We got there with more that 10 mins to spare and found Khimaira awaiting us. /joy! Our melee destroyed him and we were happy to see a drop (though not one of the preferred ones at this time). Since no one had declared their desire to attain Goliard Hands, they went free lot... Ninja lot! GO! lol. Wait, I thought Aj was the Ninja?Seriously though, congrats Bub and thank you for coming and helping us reach 60. Next week its on to 80 where we will spend some time farming some of the 7-8 body pieces we need and getting a bunch of points on Aj's disc. There is also talk about us doing this twice a week to start really getting into clearing off the desired drops list. Stand tuned for further progress and drops!Last night we went and did our 3rd Omega.Our tanks did an awesome job of holding hate on him again. I don't recall seeing Omega wander away from them even once. NIN/DRK ftw!He's really a joke. All we need to do now is get the farming of pods technique down. We brought him from ~88% to 32% in one session on his 4 legs. Byany asked to take him just a little closer to 25% and automatically a couple of BLMs went crazy and took him to 23% and locked him in his final form where he doesn't eject anymore pods. But we still did a fine job of taking him out. We did get a Charcoal chip drop from this pod that did emerge which is nice.... and we were even happier to see the drops from Omegas death.... Congrats to Aj, Dyl and Oki, the winners of those items! MeneoCecus WINS! lol We dance when we win. And lastly, I wish I could make my hair do this ; ; See you next time!"

<3 Enn lol Just thought of making fun for once this week as we havent seen each other in a few days lol