Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Carries' New Laptop!

Yeap! New laptop for me. I'll probably buy it tonight! Here are my choices...
semi cheap!
expensive one!!

I dont really want vista so its a toss up between the top 2. But the vistan one looks nice. I'll have to ask my instructor if VB studio runs on vista business edition. :/ We shall see.... oh yes.... we will.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

ToU - Too Weak

Oh yes! Finally completed all the mission quests up to the last one from the latest update! The cutscenes are pretty funny compared to the previous ones in the game :) I wont post any pictures to not ruin the suprize of the story. Anyways im at Mission 33! wee!

Oh! My ls and I also killed Baha. version 2! Melee style! Sorry all, i didnt use bst on this. :( But I do have a treat. Check the video below!

Enjoy! :)
We got a few drops but I didnt win the scythe. Always Next Week :)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Yugi's Requests Carrie

Yugi asked me once for some macro advice and here we go some screenshots of my macros for Yugi! onry! (remember i got new items! So dont look at these and say... thats all she's got?) (Cause these were taken LOOOONG ago lol) :P

My charming macro! weee this is the one and onry macro that has made me smash, toss and killed my previous keyboards... Notice... no gear change so it works as I want it to work! Plus I dont loose TP with changing gear if I would like to charm something on the fly.

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My chr gear macro 1! Notice that those gaiters i no longer have! +1 ftw! So i click one after the other and wham! ready to press my first macro! Works for me anyways...

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I added a fenrir back piece to it as well not long ago as we killed it a few days ago. AND YES... I used bst! i didnt take pictures though :( Forgot... Anyways got this useless thing but its a little better than nothing at all when one charms. (There are no charming pieces bsts can wear).
AND!!! some additional.... STUFF!!!.....

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Carrie got lost...

I havent posted anything lately so... will do some mass image posting on this one! Weee! Lots has happened and I've been forgetting to take pictures but lets see what I got so far...

Bomb Queen - Picture is kinda dark I know. Carrie kicked mayor ass as the queen had no defence we noticed. Can this be done with 4 bsts? Probably! :D
Random Picture!!!!

I also just obtained my second AF+1 piece for my little bst! So exciting. Hopefully I'll be able to get my AF+1 gloves next to get the best charming gear ever! Not sure about getting the body and head as AF2 are a little better.

Let's see what else.... I did cap my axe skill merits! weee (i'll post the actual # stats once I check em) Also wasted 2 merits on "sic" lol why? who knows... I just thought... JK i didnt think. I just used it for the hell of it lol

Monday, May 7, 2007

Oil Spills!

Yugi and I go Jelly! Oh yes! lol. We duoed about a million BST galkas for Yugi's undies! But guess what we got? NOTHING! WTF. It was pretty fun though. Not many can do this and we did. Sometimes we didnt use any super pets. Just carries and regular decent oils. We didnt get the drop for yugi but it was indeed pretty fun.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

No carrie this time...

Carnero - Yeap sad I know no carrie. But i found this little NM while farming beehive chips to make mass amounts of honey (which i didn't cause SE is stupid. Thats another story.) Anyway, while doing so, I found this NM sheep i didn't even realize it was lol. Killed it with 2 arrows as the first one missed. Got my new Katayama Ichimonji - STR+1 DEX+1 lvl 10 GK. WEEEE!

Hoo Mjuu the Torrent - Yeap got it.... killed it.... no drop. Spent about 30 min camping it too. :( I was so pissed it did not drop, I just bought the staff of the AH for 120k lol :: Lazy ::

Random Carrie Pix

Cacutar Cantautor - So another cactuar NM for my random collection (supposed to drop some shoes that would sell for BIG moonies). Easy fight. Charm > Attack > Release > repeat process. Keep it "dia'ed" as there is a VERY VERY high high chance of the NM turning yellow. Dia just before releasing helps your chances. Anyway, Tsu was there for mostly cheering and the random Dia to keep claim!!!! (! added as Tsu wanted more credit lol) But...... no drop.