Well i got this question from
Khaki blog regarding
lizard blood :)
For the
lizard blood, I'm still testing where to farm. I know the lvl 50 areas have the mobs we need in mass amounts. I would just take a friend or multiple bsts to fight in there. If not, head to the tower where Nu pops and kill the 2 spiders on the top level. I know they drop 2 blood jars each. Sometimes avatar blood which you coul sell for 7-8k. what else... oh yeah take /thf sub for best results. The down side is that the repops take 15 minutes. So, if you're lucky you can get 8 bloods in 30 minutes. Which isn't soooo bad.
I did try this and got 2 stacks in about 2 hours. Then went to sea serpent grotto to begin my mass synthing... I was so dissapointed when I got my results though.
2 HQ1 and 2 HQ2 = 12 HQ spiderstotal of 12 out of the 2 blood stacks.... /sigh
PS: Guess what I got last night!?