Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Monday, November 24, 2008

In your face!


Wow! Let us make a post! First we add a little of this...

Which is all nice and all but, what about a little of this other thing?
See that!? How can that even be possible? Atonement 1308 Fusion 1568! on a Paladin?! YES!

Is that not enough? How about some of this!....

Oh thats right, 5910 experience points! Not satisfied? How about some more of this!?...
Hell yes! 6265 experience points! All from Campaign! And if thats not enough...

WoWoW... Your face should be in complete agony...


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Quick Update

What is this!? Am I updating my blog more than Enn? Thats a first! haha. Anyway, no much to say. Just a quick update of the things Ive actually finished lately.

Finally Completed Primal Rend! Doesn't look as awesome as King's Justice but it will do. Soloed 250 WS! Felt like it took forever.

I finished another WAR accomplishment. I have 4 upgrades left in the level2 area for war. I seriously dont know what to use them on. I aready have Tomahawk and I barely use. Maybe I'll wait and use any new merits on other weapon skills or jobs.

Thanks to Enn and Lor I got this pretty fast killing Sea creatures. Awesome weapon skill.

And last of all...
Hahaha. Unlocked DRK! lol

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

FFXI - Evolpmal - 100 Cerberus Nyzul Assault

FFXI - Evolpmal - 100 Khimaira Nyzul Assault

I messed up the clips... but... i dont care lol enjoy!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Evolpmal - Cerb Nyzul Assault Floor 80 No White Magic

This one was great! No white magic restriction on a Floor 80 boss! Was pretty fun lol Did we win? Just watch! ;)

Evolpmal - Khim Nyzul Assault Floor 80

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Evolpmal - Hydra Nyzul Assault Floor 80

Can't Sleep!

So, I can't sleep so I have decided... why not. Let's post to make some people happy. I have been quite busy lately so I dont have many pictures to share, however, I do have a few things to point out which I've gotten these past few days.

After weeks of waiting and floor 60's runs, I finally obtain these!

These now make me 5/6 askar pieces! I cant wait to complete the set and take off that dirty turban I've been wearing for ages.

And tonight I got this one piece for my bard!

Making me 2/6 - which is ok... :)

Let's see... what else is there. Oh right, the moment we have been waiting for!

YouTube's Evolpmal Channel!

The following shows my first test or Loren singing. I recorded a whole more through the night! I'll most likely leave my computer uploading these videos and in the morning publish them to the blog! For the time being, enjoy the wonderful music of Loren singing way to the Never Ending Story.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Quick Fix

Two posts in 1 night! Has the world come to an end!? Maybe! As many of you know most of my older images were somehow deleted from my account. Don't ask me how cause I just don't know. Anyway, instead of finding every single image... I've decided... WHY!? I mean, I'll still be posting new images and such so, why fix the old. In any case, I found this image on google and added 2 words :)

OH I also found these when I searched CourierCarrie on Google...My long lost signature...

I also found this very strange but awesome blog.

The image above was a couriercarrie made all out of paper! Can you imagine that? He also has a collection of other pieces. I suggest you look!
PAPERCRAFT - FinalFantasy Papercraft.

The little things...

What makes FF fun you may be wondering?... Is not the fact that you can hangout with your friends nor the actual game factor. It's all about the little things that make you smile. But, I guess you need friends for this to happen so, just ignore what I just said lol Anyway!!!! Here we go... my update of the week!

Yeah... Another brave blade! Our group doesnt get any of these whatsoever! :) If you can't read whats says below... I'll let you guess lol

In other news... after reaching floor 60 in Nyzul Isle I am finally able to Atonement!! Let me tell you.. It is great! I know i havent been so much of a fan of PLD whatsoever since BST... but I'm begining to grow some love toward the job itself.

In other news... lets see... gime a second... looking at Enn's Post.
hmmm... Nope, nothing. Everything else on Enn's post is himself just bitching on common FF issues lol Anyway, that is it! I'll leave you with this video I'm sure Enn will just LOVE!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Hi Everyone!
Post for my 1 single viewer lol If there are more... Leave me a responce so I know who you are? Who knows... maybe you'll motivate me to post a few more entries :) So what is up? Just about everything I can possibly do! That's whats up. By confessed his love to 9 and something that has been known for a while is the love relationship between Loren and Dy! <3 LAMP!

I reached lvl 40 DNC by the way! I've been finding it quite fun so far. Soloing isn't all that bad, seriously. Got my first DNC War Hoop! Can't wait for my complete AF!

In other news, Enn and I have been NM hunting with BST. I have to admit, the new NMs added during the Wings update, are extremely fun to fight with BST... Here they are...

And guess what else!
Some super pants for my brd! Anywayz, I found a way how I can post at work whenever I get a free chance. I think I just might :) Anyway, thats it! I'm sure there is more im forgetting and that is what Enn's blog is for! Read his blog for more pointless rents and updates :)

Monday, September 29, 2008

Update! WOW! CC!

I promised I would bring you more! And here it is! MORE! Stop your whining! I'll start by showing you my latest bard. Why? Beats me... This is my DD bard. Extremely nice for Campaign. I barely have to sing. Just 2 haste songs, haste gear and bham. It becomes pretty easy to maintain a nice flow of exp from the fight.This is my boring bard... Not much to look at. Just plain old boring. As just love the fact that I finished it. What's next? monk? dnc? pup? who knows... Taking out the BST!!!!!! This is Team Awesomo! Killing ZNMs! Enn and I have been taking photographs and been duo-ing these battles. They are pretty intense and pretty tough may i add. We have been able to sweep right through Brass Borer and some trouble with Vulpangue. :( Killed them , and thats all that matters.

In other news... Once again for the millionth time. Ose, poor Loren has been camping it for ages now and no drop whatsoever lol. Just to think I used to toss these AJ's when I had my own.
And Finally... More merits!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The lost long post...

Hi Everyone,
Well, it has been forever since I have posted anything on CC. After the amounts of requests, I guess i'll do my best to find the time to update the blog. SNORT! lol I did notice that photobucket blocked my access from lack of use! Meaning, you'll have ignore my previous posts with the broken images. If i find the time, I may or may not fix them, but we'll see.
You may ask, where are the screen captures!? Not to worry, I'll get them and upload them soon.
In other news... lets see...
  1. I finished my 4th job BRD 75!
  2. I finished exp capping my PLD! ( for the first time ever)
  3. I've been quite excited about /dnc sub for my PLD so... I got this too :)

And this...

And as for my war...

There have probably been a million other things I've done. Just check Ennayram Blog lol I'm curretly at work and not exacly in the best of moods to post every single detail :) I promise I'll post more... now... leave me alone :P

Monday, June 9, 2008


Hi all!
Is this an update i see? Yes it is! First of all, I got a new computer! and a 22' screen! Its so nice! Here see it!

Anyway, back to FF... I haven't made any updates cause of time mostly. However, since I have a 3 hour update from SE, I might aswell. Let's find some pictures I could talk about...

well... no pics. lol got a new comp and my original folder was on my old machine :/ Lazy to do that now lol So, farwell! till next time :)