Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Finally a Post!

Oh yes, a post! A post that will pull your socks up, tuck your shirt in and say - "I am ready to read this thing!" But... I have nothing! Absolutely nothing lol My screenshots folder in FFXI filled up and I did not clean it till recently. However! During my search... can you believe I have about 627 Images?!!! 50 megs worth of images... and ONLY from FF lol. That is kwazy. What wouldn't I give to share every single image here. I guess I'll have to find a way huh? I'll look into it.

Ooo, I almost forgot: I've decided to begin using video during our adventures to wilderness using no other than our bsts. Enn, Ryan and I have been up and about doing adventures, killing random NMs in all areas. And what other way to promote our bstkateer ways by using video and posting them on YouTube! We'll see what I can cook out. (Channel Coming Soon)

Other than that... Oh yeah. Enn's group and "backup" (me) got to floor 40 in Assault. Killed Faffy, got no drops and moved on! Keep a lookout on Enn's blog to see pictures. (I couldn't capture any). And finally, I finally added Ryan's blog to my side navigation :) Even though hes a complete ass. lol

Saturday, February 16, 2008

DNC Post! (WHAT!?)

Yeah... yeah... been leveling dnc like a mad carrie! I can tell you, it is actually fun! I know, I know, its may not be beast but oneself can actually solo pretty damn well. When I see other dnc-ers in parties I ask myself why are they doing that! Solo or Duo is much faster and so much more fun. Today Enn and reached level 28! Enn will be taking it to 37 and so will I but... I am getting crazy thoughts of leveling it higher. Is not everyday I enjoy playing an FF job other than bst. DNC can be pretty fun.

In other news... I helped Ryanium on his push to 75 by duoing in Bibiki Bay. Although, I did not complete a full merit that day, that's ok... I had fun killing those tall things easily. Good luck Rya on obtaining 75 whenever you do! lol

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Hi Everyone!!

Another pointless entry! I have accomplished nothing on bst except for my BST AF+1 body this past sunday but I do have other news.... I'm starting to like this DNC job people have spoken of. I've never seen/experience such rapid leveling. In about 2-3 days, 2-3hours, Enn and I were able to go from 14 >> 23! 2 DNCs duoing does not require healing nor a power leveler!

DNC tips: ACC & EVA!!! That's all you need from what we've seen. We have been able to control IT and T++ links at ease. Pretty exciting, I can guarantee it!

Picture above? Yeah... killed it twice in a row in a period of 2 days ofcourse. Best drop so far... dark crystal! Until next time!

Friday, February 8, 2008

A new CC POST!

Aright, so I think I'll be updating you with my latest accomplishments and random adventures. So, about a month ago Enn bought a Kirin's Osode for his bst. I know I'm not usually jealous of such things... but deep inside I found out that I was! (Sorry Enn :D ) Anyway, this pursuaded me to a new challenge, to save money, and get myself one aswell.

I managed to gather 1.7 mil, about 1.3 mil to go...

What do I end up doing? THIS!..... omg....

Haha, what was I thinking? I dont know. The fact that I was saving my money by the ways of fishing, sorta got me thinking about getting a rod that will increase my skill (level 55) and money... I was so right and wrong all at the same time! After a week... Increasing my skill it has! 57 now, money wise, I still believe I have a ways to go. However, today I for the first time in my FF carreer, I fished up the following: 14 black soles (made 2 stack of sushi, 27k each), 7 Ahtapods, 6 Mercanbaligis. Funny thing is that all my +.7 skills I got from those 14 black soles.

So, will I ever get my KO? probably not... why you ask? well I can tell you this too! Last night I decided that I might aswell use my left over limbus coins and get my 4/5 BST AF+1 piece! The body piece! Belan and I were having a discussion about it and concluded that the VIT+6 it offers is very nice and the "Charm" is quite useful.
Lets see... what else have I done? I don't believe I've done anything else :) see ya next time!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The update of the year!

Huge Update! Oh yes! HUGE! I'll start by posting an event I had with my new nice Rogue Rice Balls LS. The fact that I can use BST to any and all events has opened a whole new can of fun! Anyways, on the event I am posting below. I was able to take bst, charm worms and attack elementals without any help whatsoever! Everyone just focused on the little dragon. However, we did ran out of time and had no luck beating it before then. But, there is always next time right? RIGHT!
Lord of Onzozo - Easy. Specially easy when duoed and even better with Enn! In one of my previous posts, I mentioned I soloed for quite sometime, the one thing I had no idea is that he rages! Rage and all, any bst can take care of this. If duoed, your chances of winning is just about 110%! Drops? ShallShell! (not even money dropped)
Narasimha - Right after LoO. Narasimha poped! It actually took longer than the loo but equaly easy. His HP was quite massive. Drops? Narasimha Skin.
Taxim - Undead Fun! There is absolutly nothing more exciting on your path of becoming a true bst than killing an NM where you have only a limited number of mobs! So Enn and I decided to take a trip to kuftal and look for random NMs. Taxim was the one we found. We began by sending Pugils one after another. Enn sent a carrie and was actually doing more damage than everything else I sent. Conclusion, I believe 2 carries might be able to duo it if the AM are interrupted by their attacks often. Drops? Exp, and some crappy Staff which I just placed in the storage. :/
Megalobugard - Once again! - No drop of course! Nothing at all!
Titan Prime vs. 2 CourierCarries - easy and fun to try. Another adventure with Enn! :)

CC Changing Homes.

Hi Everyone, well it's been almost a year since I launched Sadly, I'm gona stop paying for the domain name. I will however switch the blog to a new address, most likely withing the blogger system. The reason is that... I'm trying to save money to as much as I can to be able to get a new car either next year or the year after :) address + hosting is not much at all... but it does add up later. (I may, just may update it aswell. As in new design and use new little features either by using wordpress orblogger.) I'll see you there!